NaNoWriMo (there...I said it)

Yes, the National Novel Writing Month is almost upon us, and for the first time, I'm going take a stab at writing a 50,000 word novel, from scratch, during the month of November. What I need now are a couple of tips on working through the madness...lucky that there's BoingBoing!

In a BoingBoing column last week, one of Green Apple's favorite authors, Nicole Krauss, walks us through her creation process and really gets to the heart of the matter of 'doubt'. I suggest that you read it here.

Krauss says, "I begin my novels without ideas. I don't have a plot, or themes, or a sense of the book's form. Often I don't even have a specific character in mind. I begin with a single sentence of no great importance; it almost certainly will be thrown away later."

I guess that there's hope yet!