Math is Hard

In episode 7 of our Book vs. Kindle video series, for absurdity's sake, we had the Kindle "read" The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges' Library of Babel by William Goldbloom Bloch to the kids. Well, Professor Bloch got wind of it at some point, and last week, we got an email from him with the self-deprecating subject line "Famous author wants to come to your store." While this book is clearly beyond our puerile minds (or mine, at least), we have sold over 40 copies, so we invited Professor Bloch to visit.

Are you up for meeting Professor Bloch? He'll be here this Saturday, January 16th at 2:00 p.m. Even if you have yet to read his insightful (so we are told) mathematical analysis of Borges, come talk math, or whatever it is math people do. We're honored to welcome him. And you.